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Our Services Field

Plastic Surgery

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Ear Reshaping

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Lip Preparation

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What Says Our Client’s Says About Vamary

“Fringilla utadeda mors tincidunt plastic surgery interdu euismo. Nullam consequatu volutpatyus donec pellentie squedasu. Frin augue interdum euismo first impression.”

Michle Jhon


I first saw Dr Jansen to replace breast implants from 30 years due to Cancer. He was kind,and explained the process .His staff was great. His work was the best decision I made.

Harvey D. Free


“Fringilla utadeda mors tincidunt plastic surgery interdu euismo. Nullam consequatu volutpatyus donec pellentie squedasu. Frin augue interdum euismo first impression.”

Michle Jhon


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Shani Nagar
Shani Nagar
15:17 14 May 24
Idel Khaitoun
Idel Khaitoun
07:03 14 May 24
Masha Nenakhova
Masha Nenakhova
02:59 14 May 24
Got my facial done here a couple days ago and I can tell you it’s one of the best services I have had. Extremely welcoming, professional and knowledgeable. Already booked my next appointment!!
Iris Malca
Iris Malca
01:16 14 May 24
Thank you so much, best skin care, defenatly recommend your services, can't wait for my next app.
Shani Cohen
Shani Cohen
01:08 14 May 24
High quality spa the best service I got super professionals
Michal Shmaya
Michal Shmaya
00:12 14 May 24
!HIGHLY RECOMMENDI was treated by rose, she is so professional and kind.The equipment and the products blend perfectly with the skin and the results are high quality!
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